Installation and upgrade within openHAB®

This page describes installation and update procedure for extension which is installed with openHAB®. Each ConnectorIO addon or binding comes packaged as a separate archive. These archives have a .kar extension and contain extension and all dependencies needed for offline installation. If you need to use multiple protocols you will need to repeat below procedure for each of them.

Step-by-step guide

First of all you need working installation of openHAB®. Please follow official openHAB documentation and find instructions for your hardware platform.

Once your openHAB is up and running you can proceed to installation of bindings.

  1. Download selected addon.

  2. Locate your openHAB® installation.

  3. Find addons/ folder. For linux based installations it is /usr/share/openhab/addons.

  4. Copy KAR to this folder.

  5. Launch browser.

  6. Navigate to openHAB® main user interface.

  7. In left menu pick Administration > Settings.

  8. Navigate to Add-ons > Bindings.

  9. Find integration you plan to install by typing protocol or brand name in search box.

  10. Click install and wait for operation to complete.

Upgrade procedure

Because there is no guarantee which version of binding will start first you need to uninstall earlier version manually. The procedure for uninstalling is following:

  1. Launch browser.

  2. Navigate to openHAB® main user interface.

  3. In left menu pick Administration > Settings.

  4. Navigate to Addons > Bindings.

  5. Find integration you plan to update.

  6. Click it or uninstall icon next to it.

  7. Go to addons directory and remove selected .kar file.

  8. Restart openHAB®.

Do not worry about things which you created before. Their definitions and configurations will be kept in openHAB® database. During upgrade, you will just lose ability to read their state. After successful installation of new version, they should automatically be back to "online" state.

Testing development snapshots

Testing of non released extensions is possible through manual obtaining of addon from artifact repository. All ConnectorIO® Add-ons are available in "snapshot" (development) version built automatically for main versions which are maintained.

In order to download addon you need to navigate to

  1. In left menu select "Browse".

  2. Choose co7io-public-snapshots repository.

  3. In displayed tree navigate to org/connectorio/addons/ node.

  4. Click + to expand node and scroll down to org.connectorio.addons.kar…​. elements.

  5. Expand extension you are interested in and pick necessary version.

  6. Select element with the highest number after first dash - this is build date, value after second dash is build number.

  7. Mark file with .kar extension at the end.

  8. In opened right panel click on link displayed in Path section marked in red on below snapshot.

Copy downloaded kar file and proceed with installation procedure.

Download scree from

Snapshot versions are generated and can change at any time. Retention period of artifacts might depend on many conditions. Versions which contain -pr-NN-SNAPSHOT are builds for specific pull requests. These versions might contain experimental functionality which might never arrive even in development version.