Welcome to ConnectorIO® Commercial Addons documentation

The ConnectorIO® Commercial Addons contains a set of commercial extensions which are distributed with ConnectorIO® Gateway and ConnectorIO® Agent. All development and maintenance of these extensions is conducted by ConnectorIO sp. z o.o.. They are guaranteed to be compatible with ConnectorIO® Gateway and ConnectorIO® Agent.

While they remain to be compatible with openHAB®, they are not available publicly without entering into agreement with ConnectorIO sp. z o.o..

Important notice to reader


This publication is provided as-is, solely for information purposes.

The software is known for its evolution thus changes to its function are expected to happen at any time. While ConnectorIO sp. z o.o. does best effort to keep this documentation inline with ConnectorIO® Commercial Addons, we can not guarantee it is always up-to-date. No claims for modification of products that have been applied may be made on basis of materials provisioned by this publication.


The openHAB® is registered trademark of Mr. Kai Kreuzer, it is mentioned in this publication only for information purposes.

Other marks and names used in this publication may be trademarks of their appropriate owners.

ConnectorIO sp. z o.o. is not in affiliation nor any other relation with these organizations. The names of other organizations, solutions and marks are mentioned here solely for information purposes.

The Connectorio® is a trademark owned by and licensed by Code-House, Łukasz Dywicki.

© 2024 ConnectorIO sp z o.o., Poland.

The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without express authorization are prohibited.